消费无人机无人问津 工业无人机会是个好出路吗?

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未来无人机或将会如红杉资本创始人Michael Moritz所说的:“像火车、汽车一样普遍”。在智能科技浪潮越来越猛的当下,发展的最快竞争最激烈的当属无人机领域。红杉资本创始人Michael Moritz曾说:“无人机是未来大势所趋,几十年后,无人机会像火车、汽车一样普遍。”局势推动下,互联网巨头纷纷打起了无人机的主意。随着互联网巨头的入局,无人机在国内逐渐开始扮演多种角色,无人机送外卖、无人机送快递、无人机参与交通管理等。无人机市场被资本催熟之后, Future drone or will be as Sequoia Capital founder Michael Moritz said: “Like trains, cars as common ”. At a time when the wave of smart technology is becoming more and more fierce, the quest for the fastest growing competition is undoubtedly the field of drones. Michael Moritz, founder of Sequoia Capital, once said: “UAVs are the general trend of the future. After decades, unmanned aerial vehicles have become as common as trains and automobiles.” Under the circumstances, the Internet giants have launched drones idea. With the advent of Internet giants, UAS gradually began to play a variety of roles domestically. UAVs take-away, drones send couriers, and drones participate in traffic management. UAV market is ripe after the capital,
1931年冬,日本关东军河野中佐指挥着一个骑兵大队,在辽西一带多次烧杀掳掠,当地百姓深受其害。为了对付日本鬼子这支骑兵,抗日义勇军总司令黄显声将军决定组建一支骑兵队伍。组建骑兵部队,首先要有战马,于是,黄将军就派他的副官孙继先到内蒙古买战马。    孙继先和几名随从化装成马贩子,在内蒙古大草原上风餐露宿奔波了一个多月,终于买到了两百多匹膘肥体壮的战马。谁知,当他们赶着这群战马返回义勇军驻地的途中,