根据NewSeed最新数据显示,从2015年7月1日开始,截止到2016年6月30日,互联网家装行业共有52笔融资,仅今年上半年就有20家企业获得投资。似乎一夜之间,互联网家装就“火”了起来。实际上从20l 5年开始,互联网的“风”就真正吹向了家装领域,新兴的互联网家装公司提出“标准化套餐”、“免费设计”等概念,对传统家装进行了“降维攻击”。随着雷军的顺为资本高调宣布投资
According to the latest data from NewSeed, from July 1, 2015 onwards, as of June 30, 2016, the Internet home improvement industry, a total of 52 financing, only in the first half of this year, there are 20 companies to invest. It seems overnight, the Internet home improvement “fire ” up. In fact, from 20l5 onwards, the Internet’s “wind” really blown home improvement areas, the emerging Internet home improvement company proposed “standard package ”, “free design ” and other concepts, the traditional home improvement was carried out “Dimension Attack ”. With Lei Jun’s Shun announced a high-profile capital investment