A computing capability test for a switched system control design using the Haris-Rogers method

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaibian000000
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The problem of finding stabilizing controllers for switched systems is an area of much research interest as conventional concepts from continuous time and discrete event dynamics do not hold true for these systems.Many solutions have been proposed,most of which are based on finding the existence of a common Lyapunov function(CLF) or a multiple Lyapunov function(MLF) where the key is to formulate the problem into a set of linear matrix inequalities(LMIs).An alternative method for finding the existence of a CLF by solving two sets of linear inequalities(LIs) has previously been presented.This method is seen to be less computationally taxing compared to methods based on solving LMIs.To substantiate this,the computational ability of three numerical computational solvers,LMI solver,cvx,and Yalmip,as well as the symbolic computational program Maple were tested.A specific switched system comprising four second-order subsystems was used as a test case.From the obtained solutions,the validity of the controllers and the corresponding CLF was verified.It was found that all tested solvers were able to correctly solve the LIs.The issue of rounding-off error in numerical computation based software is discussed in detail.The test revealed that the guarantee of stability became uncertain when the rounding off was at a different decimal precision.The use of different external solvers led to the same conclusion in terms of the stability of switched systems.As a result,a shift from using a conventional numerical computation based program to using computer algebra is suggested. The problem of finding stabilizing controllers for switched systems is an area of ​​much research interest as conventional concepts from continuous time and discrete event dynamics do not hold true for these systems. Many solutions have been proposed, most of which are based on finding the existence of a common Lyapunov function (CLF) or a multiple Lyapunov function (MLF) where the key is to formulate the problem into a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). An alternative method for finding the existence of a CLF by solving two sets of linear Totally substantiated this, the computational ability of three numerical computational solvers, LMI solver, cvx, and Yalmip, as well as the symbolic computational program Maple were tested. A specific switched system includes four second-order subsystems was used as a test case. Flash the obtained solutions, the validity o f the controllers and the corresponding CLF was verified. It was found that all tested solvers were able to correctly solve the LIs.The issue of rounding-off error in numerical computation based software is discussed in detail. The test was that the guarantee of stability became uncertain when the rounding off was was a different decimal precision. The use of different external solvers led to the same conclusion in terms of the stability of switched systems. As a result, a shift from using a conventional numerical computation based program to using computer algebra is suggested.
监控系统是由摄像、传输、控制、显示、记录登记5大部分组成。摄像机通过同轴视频电缆将视频图像传输到控制主机,控制主机再将视频信号分配到各监视器及录像设备,同时可将需要传输的语音信号同步录入到录像机内。   通过控制主机,操作人员可发出指令,对云台上、下、左、右的动作进行控制及对镜头进行调焦变倍的操作,并可通过控制主机实现在多路摄像机及云台之间的切换。利用特殊的录像处理模式,可对图像进行录入、回放、处
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