C级车的困惑 汽车设计不同于艺术是因为艺术可以以完全主观的形式存在可以标新立异。和工业设计相同汽车设计都是要讲求市场效益的。所以笔者个人认为汽车造型更多要寻求一种为相当数量的人所能接受的美。车型的产量越大其设计就要迎合更多的人的胃口,这也就是为什么年产百万辆级的大众高尔夫的设计相对于法拉利的设计显得平淡。法拉利有着非常目标化的市场群体,拥有财富,讲求个性,年轻化的思维(市场证明真正消费高
C-Class Puzzles Car design differs from art in that art can be unconventional in its entirely subjective form. And the same industrial design car design is to stress market efficiency. So I personally think that car modeling more to find a beauty for a considerable number of people can accept. The larger the model’s output, the more the appetite must be catered for, and that’s why the design of a million-volt Volkswagen Golf seems dull compared to Ferrari’s design. Ferrari has a very targeted market group, with wealth, emphasis on individuality, young thinking (the market shows that the real high consumption