【总体阅读思考】本文是一篇记人叙事的文章,题目揭示了中心内容.学习本文,可以从两个方面去思考:一方面从思想内容上思考三个问题:二是超人“超”在哪里?二是超人“苦恼”的什么?三是这反映了一种什么样的人际关系?另一方面从写作方法上领会选材精当、叙事简明的特色。【阅读入门指津】一、通过“埃及超人和他的苦恼”的记叙,反映了资本主义社会人与人之间冷漠无情的关系,这是本文的中心意思.为了掌握这个中心意思,必须弄清以下三个问题: 一是阿卜杜拉是个埃及超人。其主要表现:在形体上,他是一位肩宽体壮的汉子:在体力上,他
[Overall Reading Thinking] This article is a narrative article, the topic reveals the content of the center. To study this article, you can think from two aspects: On the one hand, consider three issues from the ideological content: Second, Superman “super” in Where? Second, what is Superman’s “distressed”? Thirdly, what kind of interpersonal relationship does this reflect? On the other hand, it is understood from the writing method that the material selection is appropriate and the narrative concise features. 【Reading Tips】 This article is based on the narrative of “Egyptian Superman and His Distresses”, which reflects the unsympathetic relationship between people in capitalist society. This is the central meaning of this article. In order to grasp this central meaning, we must Clear the following three questions: First, Abdullah is an Egyptian superman. Its main performance: In terms of form, he is a man with a broad shoulder and a strong body: in terms of physical strength, he