前言过去对活断层带上部50米由地球物理方法所获得的资料很有限,部分原因是分辨率很差。这种地质资料通过钻孔和挖探槽可以得出较少模糊不清的解释(尽管经常成本较高)。然而,对地震危险性和工程问题的研究日益增多,也导致了对仪器装置和野外测量方法的改进,提高了利用高分辨反射地震法勘测浅断层带的可行性。高分辨反射地震法已成功地用于绘制近地表地区沉基物—基岩接触带的影象图(Miller et al.,1989)以及绘制40—200m 深
Foreword In the past, the information obtained by geophysical methods on the upper 50-km section of the active fault zone was limited, due in part to the poor resolution. This type of geologic data leads to less ambiguous explanations (though often more expensive) through boreholes and ditches. However, more and more researches on seismic hazard and engineering problems have led to the improvement of instrumentation and field measurement methods, and the feasibility of using the high resolution reflection seismic method to survey shallow faults. High-resolution reflection seismometry has been successfully used to map the image of the sinker-bedrock contact zone in the near-surface region (Miller et al., 1989) and to plot depths of 40-200 m