Massage finger acupuncture anesthesia extraction is the use of fingertips massage in a certain part of the body surface of the maxillofacial pressure, to achieve the purpose of anesthesia for tooth extraction. On the basis of acupuncture and anesthesia, our department began to learn the advanced experience of brother hospital in 1972 and carried out acupressure with acupressure and achieved some results. An introduction. First, the clinical data Tooth extraction objects: male, female, old, less are not selected. Year: 6-94 years old. Indications: with the drug indications, but also for those who are allergic to procaine, those who have acupuncture. Tooth extraction categories: 4-5 ° dental caries, periodontal wide, teeth, multiple teeth, impacted teeth, stagnant teeth and so on. Tooth extraction every time. Mostly one, up to five.