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河蟹在我国辽宁省以南各地养殖效果一直很好,但在黑龙江尚志市附近,经试养初步获得成功,为冷水养殖河蟹提供了经验,经试验5个月内,平均单只重可达92.9g,最大体重155g/只,最小的45g/只,CV32.3%。在养殖河蟹过程中,要用专用的防护膜以防止外逃,同时注意配制合理的饲料,搞好病虫害等方面的防治,方能取得良好的经济效益。 Crab farming in all parts of the country south of Liaoning Province has been very good, but in the vicinity of Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang, the initial success of the trial to provide experience for cold water culture of crabs, the test within 5 months, the average single weight up to 92 .9g, the maximum weight of 155g / only, the smallest 45g / only, CV32.3%. In the process of farming crabs, the use of special protective film to prevent flight, and pay attention to the preparation of a reasonable feed, do a good job in pest control and other aspects, can achieve good economic returns.