西草净原为结晶体,难溶于水,易溶于甲醇、氯仿等有机溶剂。对人、畜低毒。常用剂型为25%西草性粉剂。 西草净是内吸传导型除草剂,它通过杂草的根系或叶片吸收,传导全株,抑制杂草光合作用。 西草净可防除水田杂草,如眼子菜、鸭舌草、野苋菇、牛毛草、稗草等。旱田杂草如三棱草、黎、牵牛花等。此外还可用于土壤和茎叶处理。
Sesame net original crystal, insoluble in water, soluble in methanol, chloroform and other organic solvents. On people, livestock low poison. Commonly used dosage form is 25% Sesamum powder. Sesame net is a systemic herbicide, which is absorbed through roots or leaves of weeds and conducts whole plants and inhibits weed photosynthesis. West grass net can prevent weeds in paddy fields, such as eye vegetables, Monochoria, wild amaranth, Mao Mao grass, barnyard grass and so on. Dry weeds such as Sanxiancao, Li, morning glory and so on. In addition can also be used for soil and stems and leaves treatment.