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短短半年时间,中国网络用户的数量就由1999年7月的400万人,迅速攀升到年底的890万,与此相呼应,互联网行业也于1999年下半年相继诞生出一批新生代网站,加上网络股在股市上风光占尽,互联网始终成为人们目光频频聚焦之处。大大小小的投资商、传统的IT业者以及其它领域经营商,无不把进军网络作为新一轮市场竞争的筹码,这使进入网络服务领域的商家们竞争更加激烈。那么,在这几乎每天都有各种花样翻新的全新网站推出的时代,谁将更具竞争实力、更有把握胜出呢?摇篮网(Yaolan.com)总经理金洪林认为,目前做互联网站,“是一场以百米速度进行的马拉松比赛,既要有冲刺的速度,又要有持久的耐力。” 作为中国新生代专业网站的代表,摇篮网打出了“全球最大的中文育儿网站”的旗帜。摇篮网定位在0到6岁幼儿父母,网站拥有来自世界各地医疗专家的权威资料,每周上百页不断更新、丰富的内 In a short period of six months, the number of Chinese Internet users rapidly climbed from 4 million in July 1999 to 8.9 million by the end of the year. In response, the Internet industry also successively produced a batch of Cenozoic Web sites in the second half of 1999 , Coupled with the stock market share in the Internet stocks exhausted, the Internet has always been the focus of attention of people. Large and small investors, traditional IT operators and other operators in the industry are all going to enter the Internet as a bargaining chip in the new round of market competition, making the competition for online service providers more competitive. So, in this era of almost every day a variety of tricks to renovate the new website launch, who will be more competitive, more sure to win it? Jin Ya Lin, general manager of Yaolan.com believes that the current Internet site, “It’s a marathon that takes place at a speed of one hundred meters and requires both sprint speed and endurance.” As the representative of the Chinese new generation professional website, SNSD played the “World’s Largest Chinese Parenting Website” banner. Nets positioning Parents in 0 to 6-year-old children, the site has the authority of medical experts from around the world information, hundreds of pages a week constantly updated, rich
为了解决2005年前后河南电网日益尖锐的调峰问题,本文分析比较了各种可能的调峰措施。结果表明,建设抽水蓄能电站是十分必要和经济可行的调峰措施。 In order to solve the increa
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根据1999年12月份的讨论,2000年日本的总药价基准平均下降7%,而1999年的药品价格下降了9.7%。日本每年4月份都要对药价进行一次修订。 日本的药品降价是由厚生省决定的。它是