应用C、N稳定同位素技术并结合肠含物分析对我国长江上游特有鱼类中华沙鳅(Sinibotia superciliaris)不同发育阶段食性进行了探究。结果显示:中华沙鳅δ~(13)C、δ~(15)N平均值分别为(–22.48±0.85)‰、(10.09±0.69)‰;不同体长段δ~(13)C(P<0.05,F=2.44)、δ~(15)N(P<0.01,F=6.06)值差异显著,暗示了中华沙鳅在生长发育过程中存在食性转变现象;体长<80 mm的个体主要摄食水生昆虫和藻类,属杂食偏肉食性鱼类;体长>80 mm的个体,其食物以虾类、淡水壳菜和水生昆虫为主,属肉食性鱼类。中华沙鳅营养级位于2.02—2.47,与长江上游多种底栖型鱼类生态位相似;食物竞争可能是导致其摄食强度弱和资源量下降的原因之一。研究结果可为长江上游中华沙鳅野生资源保护提供理论参考。
The C, N stable isotope techniques and intestinal contents analysis were used to investigate the feeding habits of Sinibotia superciliaris, a endemic fish species in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China. The results showed that the average values of δ ~ (13) C and δ ~ (15) N of C. anguillar were (-22.48 ± 0.85) ‰ and (10.09 ± 0.69) ‰, respectively. <0.05, F = 2.44), δ ~ (15) N (P <0.01, F = 6.06) showed significant differences, suggesting that there was a food-for-food transition phenomenon in the growth and development of A. sinensis. Ingestion of aquatic insects and algae, is omnivorous carnivorous fish; body length> 80 mm of its food to shrimp, freshwater shelled vegetables and aquatic insects, is a carnivorous fish. The trophic level of C. sinensis is located at 2.02-2.47, which is similar to the niche of many benthic fish species in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Food competition may be one of the reasons leading to its weak feeding intensity and declining resources. The results can provide theoretical reference for the conservation of wild resources of Chinese sand loach in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.