设计师解析业主长年旅居海外,近期迁回台湾。女主人熟悉各类经典家具,钻研了各式设计风格,热爱古典巴洛克华丽风格。男主人喜爱现代东方、沉稳内敛的格调,两个迥然不同的风格就需要通过混搭的方式实现。这个Art Deco风格的新居,巧妙的完美混搭了19世纪末Art Deco追求感性与东方文化有机线条的装饰艺术。通过与业主的反复沟通,精心挑选了堪称经典的名品家具和配饰,并经过大胆的搭配,让空间各个角度看来既现代又古典,跟一般的住宅风格形成了很大的差异。
Designers parse the owners living overseas for many years, recently moved back to Taiwan. The hostess is familiar with all kinds of classic furniture, studied various design styles, and loves classical baroque ornate style. The male owner loves the modern East, calm and introverted style, two very different styles need to be achieved through the mix and match. This Art Deco-style home is a clever mix of the art of the late 19th century Art Deco, which sought organic lines of sensibility and oriental culture. Through repeated communication with the owners, carefully selected classic furniture and accessories, and after a bold mix, so that space from all angles, both modern and classic, with the general style of residential formed a great difference.