
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:music5700
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The differential diagnosis of ulcerative genital lesions in patients with high risk sexual habits can be a challenge even for dermatologists. We present the case of a 27- year-old HIV-positive male with a history of recalcitrant genital ulcers. Microbiology studies were negative. A skin biopsy and a sample from a perineal fistula showed granulomatous infiltrates. The patient was treated with prednisone, metronidazole and aminosalicylates, showing complete resolution of the lesions in a few weeks. The clinical picture and histological findings are consistent with the diagnosis of cutaneous metastatic Crohn’ s disease. Although infrequent, metastatic Crohn’s disease should be suspected in cases of recalcitrant ulcerative conditions, even in the absence of intestinal disease. The differential diagnosis of ulcerative genital lesions in high risk sexual habits can be a challenge even for dermatologists. We present the case of a 27-year-old HIV-positive male with a history of recalcitrant genital ulcers. Microbiology studies were negative. A skin biopsy and a sample from a perineal fistula showed granulomatous infiltrates. The patient was treated with prednisone, metronidazole and aminosalicylates, showing complete resolution of the lesions in a few weeks. The clinical picture and histological findings are consistent with the diagnosis of cutaneous metastatic Crohn’s disease. Although infrequent, metastatic Crohn’s disease should be suspected in cases of recalcitrant ulcerative conditions, even in the absence of intestinal disease.
华盛顿——美国国防部计划于一九八一财政年度开始粒于束武器技术研制的五年计划,总投资为三亿一千五百万美元,计划初期国防部要求能源部在研制工作和资金方面予以合作。 五
或许你们不会相信一个连前n项和公式都不知道的高三浪子,会在半年内逆袭成一所“211工程”高校的学生;或许你们不会相信一个人的理想竟会有如此大的力量,大到可以支撑一个人不顾一切,破釜沉舟,背水一战。没错,这个人就是我,一个成绩曾经比所有中等生都差,跟所有垫底生持平的坏学生。  还记得刚进高三时,别人看书,我睡觉;别人睡觉,我玩电脑。因此,大多数人都不喜欢叫我的名字,而是称我为“夜游神”,并且我的座位
尘土组成了这个世界。  空气中充满着无数细小的灰尘,在这个由沙汇成的土地上,我们伸手触摸那似有似无的尘土,也许在无数光线的汇聚点有沙粒在空气中跳动,只是我们看不到罢了。将空间割裂成无数小块,那就是触摸不到的无限。而我们能触摸到的,唯有无限的组合。我们随意蹲下身抓起一抔土,可联想到手中握着的是一把“无限”时,会不会恐慌呢?  我们由沙组成,充满着无数的意念与渴望,它们如黏合剂,把我们黏合成一个个泥人
根据国外资料报道,国外研制的潜地弹道导弹型号约计十四种。其中已研制成十种,其余四种正在研制。各型号名称及所属国如下: 美国有三种:“北极星”、“海神”和“三又戟”,
约1/4的缺血性卒中发生于椎基底动脉系统。椎基底动脉狭窄或闭塞是导致后循环梗死的一个主要原因。为了向临床医师提供更多的证据,对后循环 Approximately one-quarter of i