故事发生在上个世纪的五十年代——八、九十年代。在有独特中国徽派建筑风格和古朴民风的小镇,到北方务工的德贵娶回一个女人作媳妇,人们习惯地称她为德贵家的。德贵家的天生丽质,勤劳、好强、乐观,可30多岁也生不出个娃,抱养了女孩仙仙。德贵在外务工时摔死了,邻居们认为抱养的仙仙不吉利, 不许德贵家的娘俩迈进他们的门槛。德贵家的认为孩子是无辜的,既然抱养了决不反悔。
The story took place in the fifties of the last century - the eighties and the nineties. In a small town with a distinctive Chinese architectural style and simple folk customs, Degui, a worker from the north, married a woman as a wife, who used to call her a dear. De noble your natural beauty, hard-working, strong, optimistic, 30-year-old can not give birth to a baby, adopted the girl fairy cents. Degui killed in foreign workers, neighbors think immortal immortality unlucky, not to your family's mother into their threshold. De Gui family think the child is innocent, since the adoption of never regret.