As a high-precision paleoclimate substitute indicator, the stable oxygen isotope of tree-ring has started late in the development of Asia and progressed rapidly. The steady-state oxygen isotope ratio (δ ~ (18) O) of tree-ring has a strong ability to record regional climate information and is closely related to the water vapor cycle, which plays an important role in understanding the complex Asian climate. The response of tree ring δ 18 O in Asia mainly appears in the high latitudes. The tree rings δ 18 O in the low and middle latitudes mainly record the signals related to water content (precipitation, relative humidity, PDSI, etc.). A significant statistical analysis of the correlation analysis of published tree ring δ 18 O in Asia with climatic elements (temperature, precipitation and relative humidity) shows that the climate in the growing season is crucial to the δ 18 O tree ring, There was a positive correlation between δ (18) O and temperature, and a negative correlation with precipitation and relative humidity. Temperature and precipitation affected δ ~ (18) O of tree rings through precipitation δ ~ (18) O, but δ There are regional differences in signal intensity, while relative humidity signals are widely recorded in different species in different regions. The study of Asian tree-ring stable oxygen isotopes focuses on the middle and low latitudes, and thus the response to the atmospheric hydrological cycle focuses mainly on the study of the Asian summer monsoon and ENSO, and the record of monsoon precipitation reflects the changing characteristics of monsoon activity and their associated However, it is of great importance to explore the potential of tree-ring research to understand the climatic and monsoon activities during the year.