【摘 要】
"The Chinese believe that a man can die from wisdom teeth removal," my mom said to me a few days after I had my own wisdom teeth yanked out of my jaws.
"The Chinese believe that a man can die from wisdom teeth removal," my mom said to me a few days after I had my own wisdom teeth yanked out of my jaws.
逸云 整理编写 T:Tian Wei, anchor of Dialogue, CCTV-9 Y:Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
风光秀丽的水江小镇,是乱世中的偏安一隅。 清晨,寂静小巷里寒露清凉,袅袅婷婷的姑娘挽着竹篓从微倾的熹光里走来,面容瓷白,鬓若鸦裁,容颜姣好而安详。有衣袍卓然的俊公子上前探问,眉目出尘,玉树临风。 真是一幅完美画卷,可是,姑娘好像有点……不正常? “姑娘,敢问这篓中是何酒……清香四溢啊?” 姑娘神色慵懒,打了个哈欠答非所问—— “异乡公子,小女子叫钟离醺,不叫姑娘;还有,你走路仔细些。”
于雁莼 选注 你看书店架子上的“成功学”图书你方唱罢我登场,可谓层出不穷,然曾见几人读后终成正果?倒是有人读后迷了心窍,丢了好心性、好人格,连个受尊敬的人都当不成了。
鸭鸭推荐:第一次看到这篇文的时候就很感动,是的,感动。因为非常喜欢这篇文章里面的女主角,如果现实之中真的有这样的女生,一定是一个能够让自己变得勇敢,也能够带给其他人力量的温暖女生。但仔细想想,其实在我们的身边,一定也有着许许多多这样的“普通”女生。 01 电脑屏幕右下角的时间距离双十二还有不到半小时,何筱晴有些烦闷地关掉电视,彻底安静下来的房间内,她支着下巴反复刷新着某款手机旗舰店零点抢购的网
姜振华 选注 On a wickedly cold Chicago day eight years ago, I walked to work, made my way through the newsroom cubicles, entered my editor's office, gave her three weeks' notice, and then sat down at my d
越陌 选注 阅读曾经从大众化的朗诵变成个人化的思索,带来了人类思想和社会文化的重大变迁;当沉思默读也变成过往,阅读由一卷在手变成了面对无穷的屏幕信息时,我们的意识和文明又会出现什么样的变化呢?
柳舒亚 选注 "These Mappin Terraces at the Zoological Gardens are a great improvement on the old style of wild-beast cage, said Mrs. James Gurtleberry, putting down an illustrated paper; "they give one the
张剑 译析 Once riding in old Baltimore, Heart-filled, head-filled with glee, I saw a Baltimorean Keep looking straight at me.
海客 选注 写作往往意味着痛苦的孤独。作者囿于文字的天地,如何才能解脱?他们又是否愿意脱身出来,看看外面的世界呢?