湖南省建材研究设计院研制成高强水泥材料暨抗静电活动地板。这种产品已申请了中国专利。高强水泥材料暨抗静电活动地板是在 MDF 水泥基础上开发的新型实用性产品,在 MDF 水泥材料实际应用开发方面,处于国际领先水平。它可广泛应用在计算机机房、电
Hunan Provincial Building Materials Research and Design Institute developed high-strength cement materials and anti-static raised floor. This product has applied for a Chinese patent. High-strength cement materials and anti-static raised floor are new practical products developed on the basis of MDF cement, and they are at the leading international level in the practical application development of MDF cement materials. It can be widely used in computer room and electricity