从1000多亿元的资产管理规模增长到5000亿元,复星地产的量化目标是七年,毋需多言,复星的大地产“集结号”已经吹响。201 1年5月,复地从香港退市后,外界就从未停止过复星集团将对旗下房地产业务进行重组的猜测。时隔三年,一个名为复星地产控股的投资平台终于浮出水面:以金融地产的方式打通复地、星浩、BFC、星泓、星豫、星颐、星堡、星景、浙商建业与策源等涵盖住宅、商业、服务和基金的全产业链条。2014年,复星集团地产板块的转型重构已初步
From the asset management scale of more than 100 billion yuan to 500 billion yuan, Fosun Real Estate’s quantitative target is seven years. Needless to say, Fosun’s real estate “assembly number” has been sounded. 201 May 1, Forte delisted from Hong Kong, the outside world has never stopped Fosun Group will reorganize its real estate speculation. After a lapse of three years, an investment platform called “Fosun Property Holdings” finally surfaced: Fudi, Xinghao, BFC, Xinghong, Xingyu, Xingyi, Xingbao, Xingjing, Zhejiang Shangjian Jianyuan and other sources covering the entire industry chain of residential, commercial, service and fund. In 2014, restructuring and restructuring of the real estate segment of Fosun Group was preliminary