饮誉江浙沪滑稽舞台的著名笑星王汝刚,近年来走遍了大江南北,吃遍了各地风味,无形之中也成了一位美食家。他每每能说出一大套“吃经”,其中一段“四吃黄鱼”的故事,令人回味无穷。 小时候王汝刚家境并不富裕,吃黄鱼的机会是不多的。每吃一回,必然留下了很深的记忆。六十年代初,每逢清明,全家总要去上海闵行的长安公墓,为王汝刚的祖父祖母扫墓。每到这一天,汝刚总是特别兴奋,不仅仅这样可以出外郊游,最开心的是这一天总可以吃到黄鱼。父亲在那天总会领着他去闵行一条街上的饭
Renowned for comic stage in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and famous funny star Wang Rugang, in recent years traveled the river north and south, eat all over the flavor, invisible has become a gourmet. He often can tell a large set of “erasing” one of the “four eat yellow croaker” story, it is memorable. When Wang Rugang was a child, he was not rich, and there were few opportunities to eat yellow croaker. Every time I eat, I must leave a deep memory. In the early sixties, every time Ching Ming, the family always go to Changan cemetery in Minhang, Shanghai, grave for Wang Rugang’s grandfather grandmother. Every day, Ru Gang has always been particularly excited. Not only can this be an outing, the happiest is that you can always eat yellow croaker on this day. My father always led him to a street meal in Minhang on that day