心电图 (ECG)仍是国外载人航天活动各阶段中连续医学监测的唯一技术。我国载人航天计划中ECG也作为重要的医监项目。采用ECG ,可动态观察人体 4大生命体征之一的脉搏 (或心率 )和心功能 ,与ECG有关的心动时相是反映心功能的一项重要指标 ,系统了解国外载人航天活动中ECG和心动时相的变化及其机理对我国载人航天中紧急措施的制定具有重要的参考价值。本文对此作了较系统的回顾与分析。
Electrocardiography (ECG) remains the only technique for continuous medical monitoring in all phases of manned space activities abroad. ECG in China’s manned space program also serves as an important medical supervision project. The use of ECG can dynamically observe the pulse (or heart rate) and heart function of one of the 4 major vital signs of the human body. The ECG-related cardiac phase is an important indicator of cardiac function. It systematically learns about ECG and The changes of the cardiac phase and its mechanism have important reference value for the formulation of emergency measures in China’s manned space flight. This article made a more systematic review and analysis.