Patient, male, 42 years old. In 1984, due to paroxysmal pain in the right upper abdomen with nausea and vomiting, she had been diagnosed and treated in several hospitals in Shanghai. He was diagnosed as primary liver cancer by B-ultrasonography, CT, and liver scan. In two courses of chemotherapy, the patient’s response was severe and the treatment was discontinued. After two years, there was no significant change in the condition and he was referred to the hospital. Physical examination: normal development, good nutrition, no yellow stain on the sclera, flat abdomen, untouched liver palsy, deep tenderness in the right upper quadrant. Liver function tests were normal and AFP was negative. B ultrasound shows multiple lesions of the liver, consider hepatic hemangioma. To confirm the diagnosis, laparotomy was performed in March 1987. During the operation, multiple nodules were seen on the surface of the liver. The size of the liver was 0.4 cm-3.