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植物与病原微生物间存在信息的相互识别和相互干扰,并通过生物间信息流构成了复杂的相互关系,其中蕴藏着丰富的生物学问题。这是生物信息流先导专项的主要研究内容之一。植物对种间信息进行识别和解码,使其在与病原微生物共同进化的过程中进化出与动物相似的先天免疫及防卫系统。在这个过程中,科学家们已经发现,丝裂原活化蛋白激酶MAPK级联信号通路在调控植物抗性方面发挥重要作用,然 Mutual identification and mutual interference of information between plants and pathogenic microorganisms, and through the biological information flow constitutes a complex interrelationships, which contains a wealth of biological problems. This is one of the main research topics in the pilot project of bio-information flow. Plants recognize and decode interspecies information and evolve animal-like innate immunity and defense systems during co-evolution with pathogenic microorganisms. In the process, scientists have found that the mitogen-activated protein kinase MAPK cascade signaling pathway plays an important role in the regulation of plant resistance, however
未来5~8年是我国经济转型的关键时期。经济转型对进一步理顺政府与市场关系的需求明显增大。扩大内需、拉动消费,形成以内需为支撑的7%~8%中速增长新格局,关键是改变政府主导型的经济增长方式。新阶段全面推进改革开放,重要的是理顺政府与市场关系,加强顶层设计,形成切实可行的路线图、时间表。  形成公平可持续的市场经济体制  今年以来,面对经济下行的压力,新一届中央政府采取了不刺激的政策,为调整经济结构、