前不久,在中央电视台播出的“老年合唱团夕阳红竞赛歌咏会”上,又看到了荧屏上久违了的老朋友——沈力,她坐在此次大赛的评委席上神采奕奕,风姿不减当年。 国内外的情形都差不多,某个电视专栏节目的收视率之所以常年累月居高不下,究其缘由,往往是两个方面的原因:一是节目内容吸引
Not long ago, CCTV broadcast the “Old Choir Sunset Red Song Contest”, and saw a long time on the screen of the old friend - Shen Li, she sat in the judges jury on the scene radiant, grace Not diminishing year. The situation at home and abroad are similar, the reason why the ratings of a TV column program are always high for many years, the reason is often two reasons: First, the program content to attract