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【机 构】
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【出 处】
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2005年底,国资委主任李荣融一语惊人。根据他的说法,中国石油行业已经形成了一个基本竞争的格局,几乎没有垄断。李荣融“基本竞争格局”的表态,引起市场极大反响,套用网上流行的语言,李主任此言一出,全国人民都笑了。实际上,老百姓都认为石油垄断是的的确确存在的。由于石油在? By the end of 2005, Li Rongrong, Director of SASAC, made an amazing remark. According to him, China’s oil industry has formed a pattern of basic competition with almost no monopoly. Li Rongrong’s position of “basic competitive landscape” has aroused great market repercussions. Using the popular online language, Director Li said his words laughed people across the country. In fact, people think that the oil monopoly is indeed there. Because oil is in?
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