SCO公司与康柏公司在本月初达成协议,将合作开发用于UnixWare系统的企业级集群软件。基于康柏旗帜下的Tandem公司和SCO公司为电信承载商开发的软件,SCO即将完成的UnixWare NonStop Clusters软件为企业用户提供了具有更高容错能力的PC服务器集群。 UnixWare NonStop Clusters将于本季度的晚些时候发布。
SCO and Compaq reached an agreement earlier this month to collaborate on enterprise-class clustering software for UnixWare systems. Based on Compaq’s flagship software developed by Tandem and SCO for telecom carriers, SCO’s forthcoming UnixWare NonStop Clusters software provides enterprise customers with a more fault-tolerant PC server cluster. UnixWare NonStop Clusters will be released later this quarter.