【摘 要】
A new niobate crystal Ba4Na2 VNb9O30 was synthesized in BaO-Na2O-V2O5-Nb2O5 system for the first time. Its shape, optical properties , melting point and chemica
【出 处】
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science
A new niobate crystal Ba4Na2 VNb9O30 was synthesized in BaO-Na2O-V2O5-Nb2O5 system for the first time. Its shape, optical properties , melting point and chemical stability were studied. X - ray powder diffraction study determined that this compound assumes a tetragonal tungsten bronze structure with space group P4bm(100) and lattice parameters a = b= 12.4275(2),e=3.970(3). The new compound may be one kind of photorefractive crystals.
A new niobate crystal Ba4Na2 VNb9O30 was synthesized in BaO-Na2O-V2O5-Nb2O5 system for the first time. Its shape, optical properties, melting point and chemical stability were studied. X-ray powder diffraction study determined this compound assumes a tetragonal tungsten bronze structure with space group P4bm (100) and lattice parameters a = b = 12.4275 (2), e = 3.970 (3). The new compound may be one kind of photorefractive crystals.
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这是一个关于坚守和梦想的故事。85后小伙王绍森带领辽南皮影老艺人们在过去3年里演出了213场皮影戏,看似将要熄灭的皮影艺术又有了燎原之势。 6年前,王绍森从杭州毕业后来到大连创业。2014年3月,王绍森去大连复州古城旅游,偶然走进一间老电影院,当时这里正在表演的皮影戏让他看得入迷。这是王绍森第一次看皮影戏,他是现场唯一的观众。演出结束后,王绍森走到幕后看到几位老艺人,通过聊天他得知,其中一位老艺