Chinese wisdom: what can I see from China's prosperity?

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  Abstract: Since the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, a series of great progress has been made in people's livelihood, education, and science, and I also benefited from this.
  Key words: new China, exploring, reform, progress
  October 1, 2019 was the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. On this morning, a military parade was held in front of Tian'anmen Gate in Beijing, which excited and prided the Chinese people, and meanwhile also shocked a great deal of foreign netizens, since many countries reported the event. Well, as a Chinese, I'm no exception. I can’t help but notice a series of achievements having been made since the founding of the People's Republic of China. So, what can we see from China's prosperity?
  1.China's reform on people's livelihood
  China's reform on people's livelihood has never stopped exploring, benefiting the needed home and abroad. In November 2013 Xi Jinping put forward the Targeted poverty alleviation. Between 2013 and 2016, the number of rural poor people has decreased by more than 10 million annually, and the total number of rural poor people was 55.64 million. The incidence of poverty decreased from 10.2% at the end of 2012 to 4.5% at the end of 2016.[1] And my hometown also benefits from this. It has changed a lot. The dirt road in the village has become a flat painted road, and the houses have also been renovated. On festivals, the leaders of the village will send oil, rice, flour and other daily necessities to the villagers. With the help of the government, the living standards of the people in my hometown have been greatly improved. Apart from that, China's poverty alleviation achievements also have played a momentous role in global poverty alleviation.
  2.China's reform on education
  China's education reform has not stopped exploring, tremendous progresses having been made. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China 70 years ago, great achievements have been made in all stages of Education: the popularization of compulsory education has reached the average level of the world's high-income countries; the gross enrollment rate in high school has exceeded the average level of the world's middle and upper income countries. China's international promotion of Chinese language has also made a great breakthrough. By the end of 2010, China has set up 322 Confucius Institutes and 369 Confucius Classrooms in 96 countries.[2] It has played a great role in promoting the Chinese language and culture and the friendship between people of all countries, which also provides more choices for my future employment. As a student of TCSOL (Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages), I think that I can engage myself in the cause of Chinese teaching and try my best to spread the excellent culture of my motherland in the future.   3.China's reform on scientific
  China's scientific reform never stops exploring, bringing convenience to every corner of life. China has completed the perfect transformation from made-in-China to intelligent manufacturing. In May 2017, young people from 20 countries along "The Belt and Road" selected "China's four new inventions": high-speed rail, QR payment, sharing bicycles and online shopping. These are all loved by people all over the world, because they simply make life more convenient. Now, I don't need to spend 13 hours on the common train travelling from home to school, because it only takes four hours to take the high-speed rail. Mobile payment enables people to buy things without carrying any cash or card. In this age of online shopping, I can buy anything I want without going out, and things are generally much cheaper than physical stores. What I need to do is just awaiting the express company's phone call…
  The conclusion
  Looking back on the development of new China over the past 70 years, I wonder why China is able to have made so many achievements. It is precisely because China has been always under the correct leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and follows out its concept. Roosevelt, former president of the United States, said that one of the wonders of our times is that China will become a top power in the world in the 21st century after suffering the most terrible natural and man-made disasters in the 20th century. Sure, he is right. I believe that China will develop better in the future and surprise the world more.
  [1] Report on the Work of the Government, 2017
  [2] People's Daily, 2012
  Introduction of the author:
  Dong Jialing (1999-), female, Mongolian, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, bachelor degree, research direction: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
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