这显然并不是人们第一次遭遇爱情童话的幻灭。当汤姆·克鲁斯和妮可·基德曼忠贞的对天情誓最终化为浮眼烟云;当“老虎”伍兹和“虎嫂”艾琳情比金坚的感情被“虎女郎”拆得分崩离析;当“飞人”乔丹和朱妮塔长达1 7年的稳固婚姻一朝土崩瓦解……尤其是在科比和瓦妮莎这一对人人艳羡的NBA金童玉女,也不可免俗地在201 1年的冬天演出了“分道扬镳”的哀怨戏码之后,你还会继续相信世间仍有爱情吗?反正我们已经听列大批的忠男烈女和痴男怨女在呼天抢地、捶胸大叫了。
This is obviously not the first time people have been experiencing the illusion of love fairy tales. When Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman loyalty to the ultimate vows of the ultimate solution to the floating clouds; when “Tiger ” Woods and “Tiger Sao ” Ai Linqing than Jin Jian’s feelings were When the “Flying Man” Jordan and Junita up to 17 years of solid marriage has fallen apart ... ... especially in Bryant and Vanessa envy of all NBA gold You can continue to believe that there is still love in the world? Anyway, we have heard a large number of loyal male maidens and crazy men and women complaining about invading land, Cheeks yelling.