After four years of work, Song Liping won the title of “Outstanding People’s Mediator in Yichang City” and “Outstanding Legal Worker in Yichang City”, “Advanced Individuals in Community Correctional Placement and Education in Zigui County”, “Advanced Administration of Justice in Zigui County” Personal “, ” Zigui County outstanding social workers "and so on. Song Liping, 39, is a member of the Community Correctional Staff of Lianghekou Judicial Bureau of Zigui County Bureau of Justice. He is mainly responsible for the administration of justice and the handling of all complaints and petitions. Complaints and specialties belong to the city public administration and the interests of non-profit public welfare jobs, work pressure, monthly income even less than a thousand dollars. Looking at the figure busy Song Liping hard to imagine just a few years ago, he was still an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan of building materials regional agency, in 2010 he gave up the lucrative building materials product agency work in community correction and comprehensive management Petition letters on the Jing