Units 1—6 重点词汇练习

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  I. 根据汉语意思写单词。
  1. This animal is kind of silly but its very _   _ (可愛).
  2. —Where is Wuxi?
  —Let me ___ (展示) you on the map.
  3. Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio ___ (电台).
  4. —How about ___(骑) a bike to the zoo, Li Ming?
   —Good idea!
  5. There are 60 ___ (分钟) in an hour.
  6. The Spring Festival is the most ___ (重要的) festival in China.
  7. Well make some more ___ (美味的)
   cakes for you tomorrow.
  8. It is about five ___ (千米) from my home to school.
  9. Dont walk or ___ (打架) on the bus when it is running on the road.
  10. Mr. and Mrs. Turner live ___ (外面) a small town.
  II. 根据句意及首字母填空。
  1. I can swim. I want to join the s___ club.
  2. I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to take a s___.
  3. In England, people n___ use Mr.,Mrs. or Miss before their first names.
  4. Its a q___ to eight in the morning. Everyone is busy now.
  5. My grandfather often takes a w___ after supper.
  6. The pay phone is b___ our school and the post office.
  7. The monkey and the tiger get to the b___ over the river.
  8. There are no computers in that small mountain v___.
  9. People here l___ a quiet life—no computers or phones.
  10. On weekends, I have to m___ my bed and clean my room.
  III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
  1. The girl is good at ___ (draw) pictures. Shed like to be an art teacher.
  2. Today many people say it is still one of the ___ (story) they like best.
  3. We want three good ___ (music) for our rock band.
  4. There are two ___ (piano) in the class- room.
  5. His father is a teacher, he ___ (teach) English in a high school in Beijing.
  6. We all get up early and get ___ (dress) quickly. And then we go to school.
  7. The teachers in our school are very ___ (friend) to us.
  8. He eat breakfast ___ (quick) and goes to his workplace.
  9. Mr. King sometimes ___ (take) the subway home.
  10. There are two ___ (hundred) students in the school.
  IV. 选词填空(注意单词的变化形式, 其中有两个是多余的)。
  noisy, run, symbol, miss, Africa, luck, child
  1. Lions are from South ___.
  2. Look! A woman is ___ along the road very fast.
  3. They have two ___, Sam and Sue.
  4. This is not a good place because it is usually too ___.
  5. How are you? I ___ you very much. Let me tell you something about us.   (B)
  pool, study, other, man, dirty, scary, newspaper
  1. ___ are very important in our daily life.
  We read them every day.
  2. Brad is listening to the music near the _   _.
  3. Look!Two ___ are walking in the park.
  4. Now he ___ in Shanghai Yucai Middle School. He is in Grade 7.
  5. Its better to live in the quiet countryside (农村) because the air is ___ in the city.
  V. 翻译句子。
  1. 我们想和你们交朋友。
  We want ___ ___ ___ ___ you.
  2. 我经常帮助露西学汉语。
  I often ___ Lucy ___ her Chinese.
  3. 他们周末休息。
  They are free ___ ___.
  4. 林涛起床很早,然后洗脸,刷牙。
  Lin Tao gets up early and then washes his face, ___ his ___.
  5. 他们的梦想能够实现吗?
  Can their dreams ___ ___?
  6. 你认为这本书怎么樣?
  What do you ___ ___ the book?
  7. 王先生有生命危险。
  Mr. Wangs life is ___ ___.
  8. 我们必须拯救树木,拒买象牙制品。
  We must ___ the trees and not buy things ___ ___ ivory.
  9. 人们可以砍伐杨树, 把它们当做木材使用。
  People can ___ ___ poplar trees and use them for wood.
  10. ——你经常在星期天和叔叔看电影吗?
  —Do you often ___ ___ ___ with your uncle on Sundays?
   —Yes, I do.
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how作为中考英语的常考点之一,用法广泛多样,但是同学们经常容易混淆他们的用法。现在让我们一起来看看它的具体用法吧!  how用作特殊疑问词  1. how 用来询问交通方式。如:  —How does your father go to work? 你爸爸怎样去上班?  —By subway. 乘地铁。  2. how 用来表示问候。如:  —How are you, Jack? 你过得怎么样,
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【课本原句】  Listen to music outside. 在外面听音乐。  Don't run in the hallway. 不准在走廊里跑。  【结构透视】  祈使句表示请求、命令、劝说、号召、警告等语气,通常省略主语,以动词原形开头。根据动词特点,祈使句通常分为下列几种形式:  【用法归纳】  1. 祈使句通常省略主语you,语调一般用降调。如:  Go and open the d
【口语展台】  1. —Hey, Dave. How do you get to school? 嗨,戴夫。你怎样去学校?  —I ride my bike. 我骑自行车去学校。  2. —Is this your new bike? 这是你的新自行车吗?  —Yes, I ride it to school every day. 是的,我每天骑它去上学。  3. —How long does i
星期天,妈妈带着Sarah开心地购物归来,可她们却停在了大门口,为什么呢?接下来又发生了什么有趣的事情呢?请仔细观察下列图片,描写一下发生在Sarah和妈妈身上的故事吧。  寫作要求:  1. 紧扣主题,语句通顺,内容完整,贴近实际、贴近生活,思想、情感、态度积极向上;2. 字迹清楚、整洁;3. 正确使用标点符号;4. 词数:60词左右;5. 征文要求参赛者用钢笔、中性笔或碳素笔在16开白纸上书写
Robin Hood (III)
I. 根据首字母提示填写单词,完成句子。  1. He r___ a bike to school every day.  2. My home is about 5 k___ from school.  3. It takes me about twenty m___ to walk to school.  4. The students in this poor village go on a