对乌苏里拟鱼尝仔幼鱼的食性与生长进行了初步研究 ,在 18- 2 2℃水温下分别以水蚯蚓、鱼肉糜和人工配合饲料投喂进行对比试验 ,结果发现其仔幼鱼具有较广泛的食性 ,且不同饲料投喂后各试验组的生长没有呈现出显著差异
Preliminary studies on the feeding habits and growth of juvenile juvenile fish in Wusuli were carried out. The water-earthworm, fishmeal and artificial feed were respectively fed at the water temperature of 18-222 ℃ for comparison. The results showed that juvenile fish Has a wide range of diet, and different feed after feeding the growth of each experimental group showed no significant difference