汽车轮胎中央充放气系统已成为当今世界军车的标准配置(即汽车轮胎调压系统),是提高汽车综合性能,特别是提高越野汽车机动性能的重要装置。美国对外科学技术研究中心(FSTC)罗勃·瓦纳博士(Dr.Rob Warner)早在1988年就说过:“中国早在60年代就已从苏联引进过这种技术,但是令人惊奇的是直到现在(1988年)也没有把这种技术应用于军车生产中”。解放军运输工程学院教授赵玉凡博士十年来潜心研究该系统,最近在多种型号的军用车辆上研制和开发该系统,取得了可喜的成果。本刊曾多次接到读者来信询问有关该系统的情况,为此,特向赵教授和他的助手们约稿(此篇与本期知识园栏目中的“揭开轮胎中央充放气系统的神秘面纱”一文)两篇,以飨读者。
Automobile tire center deflation system has become the world standard military vehicles (ie, tire pressure regulating system), is to improve the overall performance of vehicles, especially to improve the maneuverability of off-road vehicles important device. As early as 1988, Dr. Rob Warner of the FSTC said: “China introduced this technology from the Soviet Union as early as the 1960s, but it was surprising It is not until now (1988) that this technology is used in military vehicle production. ” Dr. Zhao Yufan, a professor of the PLA Transportation Engineering Institute, devoted himself to the research of this system for a decade. Recently he has made gratifying achievements in developing and developing this system on various types of military vehicles. This journal has repeatedly received a letter from readers asking about the situation of the system, for which, especially to Professor Zhao and his assistants who draft (this article with the current knowledge section of the column “unveiling the central inflation and deflation system Mystery ”article) two articles to readers.