说到加菲猫,那可是大名鼎鼎、赫赫有名、风靡全球、迷倒众生……嘿嘿,反正用什么语言来形容都不过分。可见加菲的魅力之大!加菲猫的原型异国短毛猫早已引进我的家门,而它们就是全家最受优待的特殊成员!猫猫不比狗狗,咱家宝贝们轻易不可抛头露面,咱们是大家闺秀,养在深闺。但是咱们最喜欢的就是比赛,比赛可是咱家宝贝露脸儿的好机会。这不,建行办了MY LOVE宠物秀网络大赛,咱可不能落后,众宝贝们梳妆打扮,要好好秀一把咱的迷人风采!喂,各位看官小心了,迷死人不偿命!
Speaking of Garfield, it is famous, famous, swept the world, lost beings ... ... hey, anyway, what language to describe it is not excessive. Garfield’s charm can be seen! Garfield’s prototype exotic short-haired cat has long been introduced into my home, and they are the family’s most special member of the most favored! Cats than dogs, our baby can not be easily appearance, we are all ladylike , Keep in purdah. But our favorite is the game, but the game is a good opportunity for our baby to show her face. This is not, CCB did MY LOVE Pet Show Network Contest, we can not lag behind, all the children dressing up, we must show a charming style! Hey, Tell me what to be careful, awesomeness is not rewarded!