
来源 :中国物价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asicsyao
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2016年,全社会用电量增速同比提升,电力行业呈现消费结构优化、增长动力转换、供给能力充足、供需总体宽松等特点。展望2017年,受经济增速放缓、占全社会用电量70%的第二产业依然不会有明显改观、厄尔尼诺作用减弱、2016年基数偏高等多重因素叠加影响,预计2017年全社会用电量约61110.4亿千瓦时,同比增长2.2%,增速较2016年回落2.8个百分点,电力供需总体宽松、局部地区过剩的格局仍将延续,2017年电力行业亟须从供需两侧积极推进电力行业去产能任务的落实。 In 2016, the growth rate of total electricity consumption of the whole society increased year-on-year. The power industry showed the characteristics of consumption structure optimization, growth momentum conversion, sufficient supply capacity and loose overall supply and demand. Looking forward to 2017, due to the combination of multiple factors such as economic slowdown, secondary industry accounting for 70% of the total electricity consumption of the whole society, no significant improvement, weakened El Niño effect and high base in 2016, Electricity was about 611.104 billion kwh, an increase of 2.2% over the same period of last year. The growth rate dropped 2.8ppts from 2016. The electricity supply and demand in general were relaxed. The pattern of surplus in some areas will continue. In 2017, the electric power industry urgently needs to promote electricity from both sides of supply and demand Industry to capacity-building tasks.
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[案例一] 2005年8月,张先生找亲戚朋友筹了些资金,准备盘下一家练歌房兼有迪厅的娱乐城经营。经过多番选择和考察,张先生和滨江路天意娱乐城的秦老板达成了协议。秦老板说自
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自2003年3月成立执政新班底以来, 中国进入了新的社会转型期。“三农问题”、官员腐败、煤矿安全、医改教改、贫富差距、社会不公……这些或多年陈积或近期凸现的新老社会问