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受世界经济波动的影响,2002年毕业生就业的整体形势不比往年,再加上扩招后毕业生数量的增加,社会对毕业生的总需求相对下降。而今,2002届毕业生就业工作已接近尾声,2003届毕业生的求职大战即将展开,那些带着童年的梦想——“炼就火眼金睛,上天入地下海,探索地球奥秘,向地球要宝藏”而走进石油、地矿类院校的大学生的就业情况如何?2003年,他们又将面临什么样的就业形势?回首2002:几家欢喜几家忧近日,记者与石油大学(北京、华东)、中国地质大学(北京、武汉)、中国矿业大学(北京、徐州)、山东科技大学等三大行业性较强的学校就业指导老师联系,通过对今年就业工作的总结发现,2002届石油、地质、矿业类专业整体就业形势不错,毕业生就业结构性矛盾突出,用人单位与毕业生之间存在着明显的矛盾。 Affected by the fluctuations in the world economy, the overall employment situation of graduates in 2002 is not as good as in previous years. Coupled with the increase in the number of post-enrollment graduates, the total social demand for graduates has declined. Today, the 2002 graduates employment is nearing completion, the 2003 graduate job hunting is about to start, those with a dream of childhood - “refining the golden eyes, heaven into the sea, to explore the mysteries of the earth, to treasure the earth ”And into the oil, mining and employment of college students what? In 2003, they will face what kind of employment situation? Look back 2002: Several happy few friends Recently, the reporter and the University of Petroleum (Beijing, East China ), The China University of Geosciences (Beijing, Wuhan), China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing, Xuzhou), Shandong University of Science and Technology, three industry-leading school employment guidance teachers contact summary of this year’s employment found that 2002 oil, The overall employment situation of geology and mining specialty is good. Structural contradictions of graduates employment are prominent. There are obvious contradictions between employers and graduates.
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