
来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birdwy
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2006年6月以来,我国南方地区连降暴雨和特大暴雨,同时,受台风“碧利斯”、“桑美”等影响,部分地区江河水猛涨,出现泥石流、山体滑坡等地质灾害,给人民生命财产造成重大损失。在灾害面前,广大党员干部挺身而出、奋力抢险,以实际行动践行了共产党员的先进性。我刊第17期曾报道了福建省长汀县纪检监察干部积极投身抗洪救灾第一线的感人事迹。为使读者更广泛、深入地了解抗洪前线的情况,本期我们特约请有关记者撰写了一组文章,真实、生动地再现广大党员干部全力投入抗洪斗争,用汗水和生命保卫人民群众生命财产安全的一幕幕感人场景。他们中有的人牺牲时,连一张照片都没有留下,但却为我们留下了宝贵的精神财富,永远值得我们学习和称颂!让我们一起聆听他们用心奏响的英雄赞歌! Since June 2006, heavy rainfalls and heavy rains have continued in southern China. At the same time, due to typhoon Bilis and Sangmei, the water in some areas has risen sharply and geological disasters such as landslides and landslides have occurred. People’s lives and property caused heavy losses. In the face of the disaster, the vast majority of party members and cadres came forward and struggled to rescue them and practiced the advanced nature of party members with concrete actions. I reported No. 17 of Changting County, Fujian Province, discipline inspection and supervision cadres have been actively involved in the first line of flood relief touching story. In order to make readers understand the flood fighting front more extensively and deeply, this issue we specially invite relevant journalists to write a series of articles that truly and vividly reproduce the fact that the majority of party members and cadres fully devote themselves to fighting floods and using sweat and life to safeguard the lives and property of the people Scenes of touching scenes. When some of them sacrificed, they did not even leave behind a picture, but left us with precious spiritual wealth and will always deserve our study and praise! Let us listen to their heroic hymn with heart.
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