1972年3月,名义造船能力为200万总吨的蔚山船厂开工建设,标志着韩国船舶工业的起飞。从此以后,韩国的造船能力、造船产量急剧增大,在短短20多年时间里,从一个默默无闻的国家发展成为世界第二大造船国。应当说,韩国发展船舶工业是成功的,他们的许多做法很值得我们去分析研究,船厂建设就是其中的一个重要方面。 本文就韩国船厂的建设规划、施工投产、投入产出和资金筹措等
In March 1972, the construction of the Ulsan shipyard, which had a nominal shipbuilding capacity of 2 million tons, was started and marked the departure of the Korean shipbuilding industry. Since then, Korea’s shipbuilding capacity and shipbuilding production have increased dramatically. In just over 20 years, it has grown from an obscure country into the world’s second largest shipbuilding nation. It should be said that South Korea’s development of the shipbuilding industry is successful, and many of their practices are worthy of our analysis. The construction of shipyards is an important aspect of this. This article discusses the construction planning, construction and commissioning, input and output, and fund raising of Korean shipyards.