这位著名青田石雕艺术家、高级工艺师,是国家级非物质文化遗产项目代表性传承人。至今在石雕艺苑中刀耕近七十载。在漫长的艺术生涯中,他专注于石头世界,以超凡的艺术秉赋和旺盛的创造力,创作出了许多具有极高艺术价值的石雕珍品。他善于传承和创新,因材施艺,巧用俏色,无论是花卉、蔬果,还是虫鸟、走兽,乃至人物,刀落石开,形神兼备,令人叹为观止。他的代表作《秋》,获第二届中国工艺美术品百花奖优秀创作设计二等奖;《秋菊傲霜》获第六届中国工艺美术品百花奖优秀创作设计一等奖;《花好月圆》是他的扛鼎力作,被国家邮电部门选为特种邮票图案,公开发行;《俏色印雕》、《杨梅》、《秋菊傲霜》被中国工艺美术馆作为珍品收藏;名作《谷穗》、《瓜熟豆香》参加全国工艺美术展览会,邓小平同志视察时称赞其作品“俏色用得好”。2006年,他被中国工艺美术协会授予“中国工艺美术终身成就奖”。 Master Sculptor of Stone in Qingtian
By Deng Tangliang
84-year-old Ni Dongfang is a national master of arts and crafts and a leading master of Qingtian Stone Carving, a national cultural heritage. His masterpieces are in the prestigious collection of China National Museum.
What makes Ni Dongfang special?
The legend has lived in Shankou, a small rural town in Qingtian County, for all his life. He rarely, if ever, leaves the town, for he prefers home to the fancy outside world. It is not certain if this makes him special.
He has little formal school education. All the formal education he got was from a local primary school about 70 years ago. Though that does not mean that the master is uneducated, six years in primary education certainly did not help him become a master.
As Qingtian used to have numerous male and female stone-carving artisans, Ni Dongfang started learning the craft from his mother when he was 15 years old. It probably helped him become a master. His mother certainly played a part. Starting early in life and living long enough certainly helps.
Lifelong dedication has contributed to his virtuosity. Started as a boy who cut stones and has matured into a master, Ni says that stone carving is his lifelong dedication. His maxim is: the best is the simplest. He believes his secret is that he has done one thing all his life and he has done it well. According to the master, stone carving tests one’s patience and dedication. He will not hesitate to spend six months examining possibilities hidden in a stone before he sets down to bringing the best out. He is willing and happy to communicate with speechless stones. He enjoys the limitless joy, forgetting solitude and anxiety. That is probably why he prefers to stay at home and is reluctant to communicate with the outside world.
Self-education has helped make him special. Though he has had only primary school education, he has spent decades reading Chinese classic novels and poetry. He contemplates a lot and he creates short poetic inscriptions for his stone sculptures.
For his art, Ni Dongfang seeks being natural. He wants his artworks to represent the basic idea of Chinese philosophy: nature and man are one. Of course, Ni Dongfang is not the only stone carving master who applies this belief to art, but he certainly knows how best translates the idea into reality.
Being natural means two things: Qingtian stones are non-recyclable. He treats each piece carefully so that none will be wasted. The precious stones often feature a challenge in texture and color distribution on surface. He exercises a minimalist style, doing as little as possible and leaving nature to speak for itself. Some of his best sculptures highlight his practice of the style: he does almost nothing and allows stone to present its own beauty in natural shape and color. Ni Dongfang does not go to the outside world. The world comes to him. He now has a gallery that displays all of his carvings to the public. Many people mistakenly believe Qingtian Stone is only in one color. The gallery offers an excellent education on the beauty of Qingtian stones in rainbow colors and in all shapes. He is most unwilling to sell his artworks despite mind-boggling offers: from several millions to more than 100 millions a piece. He has a great variety of masterpieces to show his nearly-70-year-long career.
Ni’s creations are amazing: he is both traditional and innovative; he is great at turning a stone into a unique masterpiece. His sculptures recreate flowers, vegetables, fruits, insects, birds, animals, figures. He has won numerous prizes at national level. “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon”, his best sculpture, was chosen for a special stamp issued by the general postal office. Three stone sculptures by Ni Dongfang are now in the collection of China National Arts & Crafts Museum.
这位著名青田石雕艺术家、高级工艺师,是国家级非物质文化遗产项目代表性传承人。至今在石雕艺苑中刀耕近七十载。在漫长的艺术生涯中,他专注于石头世界,以超凡的艺术秉赋和旺盛的创造力,创作出了许多具有极高艺术价值的石雕珍品。他善于传承和创新,因材施艺,巧用俏色,无论是花卉、蔬果,还是虫鸟、走兽,乃至人物,刀落石开,形神兼备,令人叹为观止。他的代表作《秋》,获第二届中国工艺美术品百花奖优秀创作设计二等奖;《秋菊傲霜》获第六届中国工艺美术品百花奖优秀创作设计一等奖;《花好月圆》是他的扛鼎力作,被国家邮电部门选为特种邮票图案,公开发行;《俏色印雕》、《杨梅》、《秋菊傲霜》被中国工艺美术馆作为珍品收藏;名作《谷穗》、《瓜熟豆香》参加全国工艺美术展览会,邓小平同志视察时称赞其作品“俏色用得好”。2006年,他被中国工艺美术协会授予“中国工艺美术终身成就奖”。 Master Sculptor of Stone in Qingtian
By Deng Tangliang
84-year-old Ni Dongfang is a national master of arts and crafts and a leading master of Qingtian Stone Carving, a national cultural heritage. His masterpieces are in the prestigious collection of China National Museum.
What makes Ni Dongfang special?
The legend has lived in Shankou, a small rural town in Qingtian County, for all his life. He rarely, if ever, leaves the town, for he prefers home to the fancy outside world. It is not certain if this makes him special.
He has little formal school education. All the formal education he got was from a local primary school about 70 years ago. Though that does not mean that the master is uneducated, six years in primary education certainly did not help him become a master.
As Qingtian used to have numerous male and female stone-carving artisans, Ni Dongfang started learning the craft from his mother when he was 15 years old. It probably helped him become a master. His mother certainly played a part. Starting early in life and living long enough certainly helps.
Lifelong dedication has contributed to his virtuosity. Started as a boy who cut stones and has matured into a master, Ni says that stone carving is his lifelong dedication. His maxim is: the best is the simplest. He believes his secret is that he has done one thing all his life and he has done it well. According to the master, stone carving tests one’s patience and dedication. He will not hesitate to spend six months examining possibilities hidden in a stone before he sets down to bringing the best out. He is willing and happy to communicate with speechless stones. He enjoys the limitless joy, forgetting solitude and anxiety. That is probably why he prefers to stay at home and is reluctant to communicate with the outside world.
Self-education has helped make him special. Though he has had only primary school education, he has spent decades reading Chinese classic novels and poetry. He contemplates a lot and he creates short poetic inscriptions for his stone sculptures.
For his art, Ni Dongfang seeks being natural. He wants his artworks to represent the basic idea of Chinese philosophy: nature and man are one. Of course, Ni Dongfang is not the only stone carving master who applies this belief to art, but he certainly knows how best translates the idea into reality.
Being natural means two things: Qingtian stones are non-recyclable. He treats each piece carefully so that none will be wasted. The precious stones often feature a challenge in texture and color distribution on surface. He exercises a minimalist style, doing as little as possible and leaving nature to speak for itself. Some of his best sculptures highlight his practice of the style: he does almost nothing and allows stone to present its own beauty in natural shape and color. Ni Dongfang does not go to the outside world. The world comes to him. He now has a gallery that displays all of his carvings to the public. Many people mistakenly believe Qingtian Stone is only in one color. The gallery offers an excellent education on the beauty of Qingtian stones in rainbow colors and in all shapes. He is most unwilling to sell his artworks despite mind-boggling offers: from several millions to more than 100 millions a piece. He has a great variety of masterpieces to show his nearly-70-year-long career.
Ni’s creations are amazing: he is both traditional and innovative; he is great at turning a stone into a unique masterpiece. His sculptures recreate flowers, vegetables, fruits, insects, birds, animals, figures. He has won numerous prizes at national level. “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon”, his best sculpture, was chosen for a special stamp issued by the general postal office. Three stone sculptures by Ni Dongfang are now in the collection of China National Arts & Crafts Museum.