Attention to microwave remote sensing is one of the characteristics of remote sensing development in the 90s. Microwave remote sensing has all-weather, all-day and certain penetrating ability, therefore, by the remote sensing community in general re-conditions. According to the situation of microwave remote sensing programs in various countries, there will be a great increase in satellites, space vehicles and the like that take microwave remote sensing as the main content in the 1990s. In addition to arranging nearly one-fifth of the microwave detectors in the EOS program, the SIR-C and SIR-D plans in parallel with the EOS plan are based exclusively on the detection and research of active imaging radars. Canada Radarsat satellite will have a C-band HH polarization direction of the multi-performance synthetic aperture side-looking radar, mainly used to monitor the dynamics of polar ice. ESA in addition to its first satellite