The attitude of the international (permanent) courts to “preparation work” has gone from rejection to gradual acceptance; the DSB emphasizes its appropriate role. Articles 31 to 32 need clarification by themselves. The issue of “preparatory work” includes its meaning, scope, function and application: “” preparatory work “is not mandatory; its scope is the history of the establishment of the treaty, including all written information related to the negotiation and conclusion of the treaty, The most important value is the authenticity, completeness and availability, but the lack of evidence value; its limitations, including the vastness of information, contradictions, lack of ambiguity, self-interest Sex and failure and so on. The value of the ”preparatory work“ material of different content and origins is of a different meaning, and the interpreter should be cautious and scrutinized in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in order to identify its relevance. WTO cases will ”preparatory work " effectiveness and later joined the country; unilateral sources of prepared information under certain conditions are relevant.