1995年夏末秋初,我自费赴莫斯科考察访问了四十九天,目的是为撰写《苏联音乐简史》下卷收集资料。在这些日子里亲眼目睹、亲耳所闻的一切,留下了难忘的印象。 一个既熟悉又陌生的国家 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都,是前苏联的心脏。50年代中期至60年代初,我曾在那里学习、生活过七年,对那里的自然景物、世态人情十分熟悉。事隔三十多年旧地重游,前后的反差实在太强烈。一切都令我感到生疏,犹如到了另一个国度。
In late summer and early autumn of 1995, I paid 49 visits to Moscow at my own expense for the purpose of collecting information for the next volume of the “Brief History of Soviet Music.” In these days, I witnessed, I heard everything, leaving an unforgettable impression. A country that is both familiar and unfamiliar Moscow is the capital of Russia and the heart of the former Soviet Union. From the mid-1950s to the early 1960s, I studied and lived there for seven years, very familiar with the natural scenery and human relations there. After more than thirty years of old revisit, the contrast between before and after is too strong. Everything makes me feel strange, as if to another country.