不久前,谷歌推出全新的人工智能系统Tensor Flow,并宣布将其开源。这件事刷爆了笔者的朋友圈。Tensor Flow可应用于语音识别、自然语言理解、计算机视觉等多方面。虽然它对工业机器人领域的作用还有待于考察,但谷歌此举肯定会大大降低深度学习在各个行业中的应用难度。对于技术积累尚显稚嫩的很多创业公司来说,这绝对是一个极大的利好消息。软件开源好还是闭源好,系统应该开放还是应该封闭,这一直是ICT领域争议不断的问题。不同人站在不同的立场上,会给出截然相反的答案。为了生存和发展,以
Not long ago, Google introduced a new artificial intelligence system Tensor Flow, and announced that it will open source. This matter has burst the author’s circle of friends. Tensor Flow can be used in speech recognition, natural language understanding, computer vision and many more. Although its role in the field of industrial robots remains to be examined, Google’s move certainly will greatly reduce the difficulty of deep learning in various industries. For many start-ups that are still immature in technology accumulation, this is definitely a huge plus. Software open source is good or closed source, the system should be open or should be closed, which has been a constant controversy in the field of ICT issues. Different people stand on different positions and will give the opposite answer. In order to survive and develop