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  尽管少有消费者做出改变,但当地汽车企业已经开始生产电动嘟嘟车和渡轮。清迈市的电动嘟嘟已投入使用至少两年,泰国国内的初创企业Power Up TukTuk也在制造电动三轮车,供给行动不便的人使用。
  在泰国南部地区,化石燃料能源集团Banpu已经开始在普吉岛和附近地区推广电动渡轮。这些渡轮是与Choknamchai集团子公司Sakun C的合作项目。Choknomchai集团是泰国汽车巨头之一,也是本田、丰田和日产在当地的合作伙伴。
  The COVID-19 catalysed the development of digital economy, attracting the attention of many investors. In Vietnam, in the first quarter of 2021, due to the rising consumption during the New Year holiday, the digital economy gained great momentum, with fast transformation speed.
  The first case of the UK variant of the virus was discovered in Hai Duong Province in February and quickly spread to 13 provinces and cities throughout Vietnam, resulting in over 910 new community cases since the beginning of this third wave.   The sensitive timing of the outbreak elevated health and safety concerns as many Vietnamese had travel plans for reunions and family festivities. The government issued several social isolation orders in major cities, limiting inbound and outbound travel. The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization’s office in Vietnam recommended people celebrate the New Year safely with the message goes like “health is the most precious gift we can give each other this holiday”.
  New Year is prime time for increased spending thanks to a lasting tradition of gift-giving, drinking and dining with friends and family, and sprucing up the home for the holidays. The health measures and social distancing orders therefore dampened the Vietnamese economy.
  Amid this looming crisis, more and more Vietnamese turned to e-commerce platforms and digital financial services for New Year preparation. Tiki, one of the four largest online shopping platforms in Vietnam, reported that its transaction volume in January surged 50% compared to the same period last year. Due to the new outbreak leading up to New Year, it is likely that all e-commerce platforms experienced a massive surge in activity. The National Payment Corporation of Vietnam (NAPAS) reported a significant surge in the numbers of transactions in e-commerce and interbank funds transfers since 28 January, continuing to rise after the holidays.
  Many Vietnamese businesses and services have also taken measures such as speeding up digital transformation projects and offering new services to meet this new demand. ZaloPay, one of Vietnam’s largest electronic wallets, strongly promoted its new service, a new digital approach to the tradition of elderly people giving lucky money to children. Many supermarkets, including Big C and Coop Mart, teamed up with digital wallets and online shopping platforms for marketing campaigns to promote online shopping and delivery services.
  These campaigns are gaining traction and could potentially help companies expand their customer bases as they address health and safety concerns. Such concerns have been an important driver of the surge in usage of e-commerce and digital financial services, especially among elderly consumers, during the last two waves of the COVID-19 in Vietnam.
  The COVID-19 pandemic, for all its negative impacts on health, society and economy, is expediting the growth of Vietnamese e-commerce and digital finance, paving the way for the country to fulfill its digital potential. Traffic on e-commerce platforms in 2020 was 150% higher than the previous year, with approximately 3.5 million visitors per day on various platforms.   Usage of digital financial services, including internet banking, e-wallets and mobile money, have also risen significantly, placing Vietnam among the top three countries in Southeast Asia for e-commerce growth. Revenue in the sector is projected to reach US$ 7 billion in 2021, an increase of 16.2% year-on-year. The number of users is expected to rise 13.5% year-on-year to 51.8 million, with an average revenue of US$ 135 per user.
  Since living with the virus will likely become the new normal following the pandemic, health and safety concerns will remain important factors influencing consumers’ online shopping behaviour. Firms can quickly reinvent their processes and services to survive and even benefit from the pandemic by addressing these concerns. This also highlights the importance of digital transformation, which helps establish and maintain a stable channel for businesses and services despite disruptions from unpredictable shocks like the COVID-19.
  Digital health is another area the healthcare industry should pay attention to. Demand for consumer health electronics and telemedicine are rising strongly in Vietnam amid growing challenges from infectious diseases such as the COVID-19 as well as from non-communicable diseases.
  What has been seen in both consumers’ behaviour changes and in business’ strategies strongly points towards faster digital transformation in businesses and services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also encouraging that businesses in Vietnam have transformed in a way that better supports equal access to healthcare, enhanced safety measures and stronger collaboration across industries. This spurs the digital transformation that is essential for emerging economies like Vietnam.
  · Source: East Asia Forum
有这样一群受人尊敬的“白衣天使”,他们开展对外援助医疗已有40余载。远赴异国他乡,救治数以万计的病人,他们谱写了一曲中外友谊之歌。他们就是广西医疗队。时至今日,面对新冠肺炎疫情的严峻考验,广西勇担使命,向部分东盟国家分享疫情防控经验,提供医疗技术支持,组建中国向东盟国家派遣的第一支抗疫医疗队奔赴前线。  作为中国—东盟交流合作的重要枢纽,近年来,广西积极参与“健康丝绸之路”建设,不断提高医疗水平,
新冠肺炎疫情对数字经济发展的催化作用得到了投资者们的高度关注。在越南,2021年第一季度因为有新春节日的消费推动,数字经济在越南表现亮眼,转型速度不断加快。  2021年2月,在农历新年前夕,越南国内暴发了第三轮新冠肺炎疫情。1月28日,越南海阳省发现了第一例英国变异病毒。随后,该病例迅速传播到越南全国13个省市,自第三轮疫情暴发以来,已造成910多例新的社区病例。  这段时间,很多人本计划和家人
初次见到段立生教授是在一次学术活动上,年近80岁的他依然精神矍铄,穿着一件运动外套,戴着鸭舌帽,背着一个斜挎包,仿佛还是那个在学海中奔走的少年。唯当他坐下来接受我们采访时,摘下帽子露出满头华发,才让人看到岁月在他身上留下的印记。  这位慈眉善目的学者是季羡林先生的学生,是中国公派赴泰教学第一人,更是泰语及泰国历史研究方面的大家。半生耕耘,段立生在泰语、泰史研究与教学的天地里诲人不倦;荣归故里,如今
中老铁路、印尼雅万高铁、越南河内轻轨……近年来,随着中国铁路越来越多地走进东盟国家,中国在输出中国铁路技术的同时,也正积极帮助这些国家培养起自己的铁路人才。这些铁路人才中有心怀梦想的女孩,有过关斩将的精英,他们很有可能是自己国家的第一代“铁路人”,也更有可能在未来成为推动中国—东盟人才交流、民心相通的使者。  老挝青年:想成为火车司机  “我有个梦想,就是成为老挝第一条现代化铁路的第一位女火车司机
不久前,中国审议通过了“十四五”发展规划,中国经济问题研究专家、泰国法政大学经济学院阿顺诗·帕尼察叁副教授在接受本刊記者专访时表示,中国“十四五”规划为其国民经济发展远景制定了目标和方向。她认为此次“十四五”规划也可视为“经济稳定规划”,中国追求的更多是稳定发展,尤其是从技术安全、食品安全、公共卫生安全三方面推动经济稳定发展,而不是单纯追求经济高增速。  以科技自立自强支撑新发展格局  阿顺诗副教
2021年1月1日,聚焦了众多目光的英国脱欧事件落下帷幕。自此,英国正式退出欧盟单一市场和关税同盟,实施独立的贸易政策。在此前夕,英国与众多国家签订了自由贸易协定,其中越南是继新加坡之后的第二个东盟国家。  《越南与英国自由贸易协定》(UKVFTA,以下简称《越英自贸协定》)签署的动因是什么?它将产生什么影响?中国企业将面临哪些机遇与挑战?近期,广西社会科学院研究员古小松在接受本刊记者采访时给出了
对于居住在东南亚的人而言,一杯醇香四溢的咖啡已不仅仅是早餐必需品,从实惠的速溶咖啡到精致的现磨咖啡,都成为了他们心中特殊的文化符号。这些年来,通过中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会),来自东盟各国的咖啡品牌逐渐为中国消费者熟知。人们不仅从马来西亚的白咖啡、越南的猫屎咖啡、印尼的金塔马尼咖啡中品出了小小咖啡豆的浓郁芬芳,也嗅到了中国—东盟围绕咖啡产业拓展的合作新商机。  一杯“曼特宁” 飘香东博会  
2021年3月29日,马来西亚和新加坡最终仍未能就新马高铁(也称新隆高铁)计划达成一致,该项目在历经马来西亚三任总理更迭、两度推迟后,以马来西亚向新加坡赔付约1.028亿新加坡元(约合5.013亿元人民币)正式告终。  那么,两国专家、民众对这样的结果是何态度,该计划为何取消,中国会受到什么影响呢?  新马达成“全面和最终解决方案”  2021年1月1日,新加坡和马来西亚政府发布联合声明,宣布了2
据《越南人民报》消息,汇丰银行亚洲经济研究部近期发布《亚洲经济季度季刊研究:经济复苏报告》称,2020年越南经济增长率处于亚洲最高水平,预测2021年继续成为该地区经济增速最快的国家之一,预计增长6.3%。  在新冠肺炎疫情导致全球国际贸易、旅游、投资大幅萎缩的背景下,越南是世界上实现“逆势”正增长的少数国家之一,“寒冬”之后,其经济复苏速度仍然在标普全球评级报告中位居亚太区第二。保持高水平的经济
歌曲《一封番批》深情唱道:“寄一封番批轻又轻,寄返二个艰苦钱银报答双亲,人在异乡终是客,夜夜做梦,梦中团圆。寄一封番批轻又轻,隔海日盼夜盼思念深,背井离乡汗与血,盼个平安,价值千金……”  “番批”就是“侨批”,来自闽南方言,闽南语称信为“批”,寄信为寄“批”。后来,“批”成为南洋华侨寄托银信的代用词,专指海外华侨通过海内外民间机构汇寄至国内的信汇合一的特殊邮传载体,兼具家书、汇款功能,主要分布在