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自世界第一台商品VCD小影碟机率先在国内推出以来,即像一阵阵清新的微风拂过,吹遍了神州大地,也引起了早就掌握了VCD技术的国际大公司的重视,于是各种各样的品牌纷纷涌入国内市场。好在国内企业已先行了一步,除外观工艺还略显粗糙外,音质、画质与功能等方面丝毫不比进口机逊色,甚至还有过之,完全可以凭借性能与价格等方面的优势占据绝大部分市场。从现状看,进口机多为2.0版本,但价格偏高,设”计方面也没有考虑到国产碟片普遍质量较差的现实,在播放普通小影碟时图像质量和音质都不够稳定,纠错能力很差,无法进入大众市场,国产机在这方面便明显占有优势,并且不断地在竞争中提高技术,改进工艺,希望在VCD领域再次独领风骚。毕竟在VCD领 VCD from the world’s first VCD player product rate first introduced in the country since, like a gust of fresh breeze blowing, blowing all over China, also attracted the VCD technology has long mastered the great international companies, so each A variety of brands have poured into the domestic market. Fortunately, domestic enterprises have taken the first step, in addition to the appearance of technology is also slightly rough, the sound quality, image quality and functionality in no way inferior to the imported machines, and even had it, and can completely rely on the performance and price advantages occupy Most markets. Judging from the status quo, imported machines are mostly version 2.0, but the price is too high, set the “meter” did not take into account the general poor quality of domestic disc reality, when playing ordinary small discs image quality and sound quality are not stable enough, error correction Poor ability to enter the mass market can not enter the domestic machine in this area will have obvious advantages, and continue to improve the technology in the competition, improve technology, hoping to dominate again in the field of VCD.
XYLAN公司的OmniSwitch产品 美国XYLAN公司以领先的网络交换技术而享誉全球,其产品分为适用于各大型企业、院校和智能大楼的Omni模块或系列和适用于大中型企业及其分支机构