Effect of particle shape and size on flow properties of lactose powders

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhmfly
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The shape and size of particles are understood to affect the bulk behaviour of powders, though there are but few studies that present quantitative information on the relationship between particle shape and the flow properties of powder. This is due in part to the lack of techniques for rapidly determining both particle shape and the range of flow characteristics that describe the response of powders to the stress and shear experienced during their processing. This study presents data that quantifies the influence of particle shape/size of three different lactose powders on their respective flow and bulk characteristics. Two of the samples differ in size but have similar shapes; the third sample is more spherical but similar in size to one of the other two samples. The results demonstrate that in addition to particle size, particle shape significantly affect the flow characteristics of a powder over a wide range of stress conditions. The shape and size of particles are understood to affect the bulk behavior of powders, though there are but few studies that present quantitative information on the relationship between particle shape and the flow properties of powder. This is due in part to the lack of techniques for rapidly determined both particle shape and the range of flow characteristics that respond the particles to the stress and shear experienced during their processing. This study presents data that quantifies the influence of particle shape / size of three different lactose powders on their respective flow and bulk characteristics. Two of the samples differ in size but have similar shapes; the third sample is more spherical but similar in size to one of the other two samples. of a powder over a wide range of stress conditions.
地瓜是豆薯的根,可作杀虫剂用,误食后会引起中毒。国内未见报道,本院曾收治一起因食炒地瓜米引起一家三兄妹集体中毒病例,现报道如下。1 临床资料某男,5岁,因6h食用炒地瓜米,
1999年1月17日我科收治一例误服普鲁帕酮1000mg中毒的患者,因抢救及时,护理措施得当,住院9d痊愈出院。现将急救与护理经过报告如下。1 病例介绍患者,男,66岁,误服普鲁帕酮1000mg1
子宫内膜异位症的临床研究至今困难重重 ,原因在于未完全查明它的病理生理发生机制。现在还没有一个比较完美的研究模型去模拟在体的内异症发生发展 ,但研究者从在体、体外各
<正> 在陕西临潼唐华清宫汤池遗址中,考古发掘出了一批唐和秦汉时的木建筑构件,有柱、檩、门板、木柱础等。其中保存在主要属唐文化的黄色土层中的木构件,大多已腐朽无遗;而保存在主要属秦汉文化的黑褐色土层的木构件,却保存较好。本文试就此种现象进行分析研究,并提出初步认识。
应用解磷注射液配合胆碱酯酶测定救治有机磷农药中毒24例皆成功。测定ChE活力以调节用药。起效快,作用时间持续,副诈用轻,并发症少,使用方便。 Application of phosphate soluti