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为澄清南水北调东线南四湖湖鲚种群的地理亲缘关系,运用多变量形态度量学方法,基于26项形态特征参数比较研究了4个水域的鲚(Coilia ectenes)种群之间的形态差异。检视南四湖湖鲚样本50尾、太湖湖鲚50尾、洪泽湖湖鲚50尾、利津水库刀鲚1980年代标本50尾。聚类分析结果表明:洪泽湖群体和南四湖群体之间的形态最为接近,首先聚为一支;太湖群体聚为另一支;黄河附属水体利津水库群体与其他3个群体的亲缘关系相对较远。以筛选10个性状的特征值建立的函数判别分析,判别准确率为洪泽湖群体82.7%、利津水库群体100%、南四湖群体84%和太湖群体84.9%,综合判别准确率为84.3%。主成分分析,洪泽湖群体、南四湖群体和太湖群体之间的重叠较多,群体间的遗传距离较近。单因子方差分析,4个鲚群体间有15项形态比例参数差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01),其他11个形态比例参数的差异系数均小于1.28,表明4个鲚群体间的形态差异尚未达到亚种水平,属于不同地理群体间的差异。从水系连通上推断,南四湖湖鲚为2002年长江向南四湖应急生态补水时由洪泽湖和骆马湖湖鲚群体扩散建群。 In order to clarify the geographical relationship of the population of Castanopsis fargesii in the Nansi Lake of the eastern route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, multivariate morphometric method was used to study the morphological differences among populations of the four species of Cilia ectenes based on 26 morphological characteristics parameters. A total of 50 specimens of Nansi Lake, 50 specimens of Taihu Lake, 50 specimens of Hongze Lake and 50 specimens of Lijin reservoir were collected from the 1980s. The results of cluster analysis showed that the morphology of Hongze Lake and Nansihu were the closest, first clustered together, the other was the Taihu Lake, and the genetic relationship between Lijin reservoir and other three groups Relatively far. The discriminant analysis based on the eigenvalues ​​of 10 traits showed that the discriminant accuracy was 82.7% for Hongze Lake, 100% for Lijin Reservoir, 84% for Nansi Lake and 84.9% for Taihu, and the accuracy of comprehensive discrimination was 84.3% . Principal component analysis, Hongze Lake population, Nansihu Lake and Taihu Lake population overlap more, the genetic distance between the population closer. One-way analysis of variance showed that 15 morphological proportion parameters among 4 populations had extremely significant differences (P <0.01), and the other 11 morphological proportion coefficients were all less than 1.28, indicating that the morphological differences among 4 populations had not yet been found To subspecies level, belonging to different geographical differences between groups. It is inferred from the connectivity of water system that when the Nansi Lake Lake is flooded by the groups of Hongze Lake and Luoma Lake in 2002 when the Yangtze River flows to the South Lake for emergency ecological replenishment,
背景阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是老年期痴呆症中最常见的一种类型,临床以进行性认知功能减退为主要特征。多项研究证明突触丧失程度与痴呆及早期AD分期最好的
【正】 最近读了王超然同志题为《读报三味》的文章(见《长江日报》1996年7月15日第11版),获益匪浅,但没有读懂标题,求助于几种工具书,原来作者指的“三味”,其实是“三昧”
<正>原发性震颤(essential tremor,ET)也称特发性震颤,是一种常见的运动障碍性疾病,临床上以上肢远端的姿势性或动作性震颤为特点,可伴有头部、口面部或声音震颤,30%~50%的ET