Modern philosophy has undergone a shift from absoluteism to relativism, from the dualistic opposition of subject and object to intersubjectivity. Under the paradigm of essentialism, people follow the instrumentalist values of judicature, think that the judicial procedure can find the objective fact, the substantive result has the absolute fair standard, and it is separate from the procedure. The judicial procedure, as a way of pursuing external absolute and fairness, has no independence . The development of philosophical linguistics criticizes absolutism and points out that because of the inherent nonconformity of language in litigation, there are many possibilities for the result of the procedure, and the only objectivist substantive criterion of fairness can not be found. In order to solve the crisis of legitimacy, postmodern philosophy constructs the theory of communicative practice to replace the traditional absolutist rationality, and emphasizes whether the legitimacy comes from whether the process of obtaining the result has passed sufficient communication. This is the argument that the procedure has the decisive effect on the result The proceduralist judicial values have laid the theoretical foundation.