日前,丽水消防支队开展了一次声势浩大的自查自纠活动,使全区消防部队精神面貌有了明显改观,部队正规化建设又向前迈进了一步。 此次自查自纠活动以中国人民解放军《内务条令》、《纪律条令》、《队列条令》、《警备条令》和中央军委管理教育《决定》为依据,采取自查自纠,重点解决队伍的思想作风、警容风纪、办公秩序、库室管理、安全工作、内务设置等方面存在的问题,以落实条令条例为准则,全面推进部队正规化建设。 自查自纠活动共分四个阶段:自查前的准备阶段、对照自查阶段、落实自纠阶段、检查验收阶段,并针对全区
Recently, Lishui Fire Brigade carried out a massive self-examination and self-correction activities, so that the region’s mental outlook has significantly improved the fire brigade, regularization of the armed forces has taken another step forward. The self-examination and self-correction activities to take the People’s Liberation Army “House Rules”, “discipline rules”, “cohort”, “vigilance” and the CMC’s “decision” as the basis for self-examination and self-correction, focusing on solving the team With the principle of discipline, police discipline, office work order, library management, security work and housekeeping, and taking the implementation of the ordinance as a guideline to comprehensively push forward the building of the troop regularization. Self-examination and self-correction activities are divided into four phases: self-examination preparatory phase, self-examination phase, the implementation of self-correction phase, check the acceptance phase, and for the region