
来源 :旅游纵览(行业版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaoyongsheng123
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20世纪90年代以来,在经济全球化和知识经济的背景下,企业间的市场竞争、人才竞争愈加激烈,组织和员工之间的雇佣关系呈现出短期化趋势,员工在不同岗位和不同组织之间的流动大大增强,忠诚度不断降低,出现了无边界职业生涯模式。在此模式下,企业裁员和员工跳槽并存,优化和调整企业员工职业生涯管理,提升员工就业能力,降低员工流动率,是企业现阶段应该考虑和解决的主要问题。本文通过研究国内外无边界职业生涯管理的相关理论,指出我国企业已进入“无界职业生涯”阶段,企业应该不断调整组织在职业生涯管理中的地位和作用,重新设计职业生涯管理的方向和内容,实施差异化职业生涯管理来提高无边界职业生涯管理的有效性。 Since the 1990s, under the background of economic globalization and knowledge-based economy, the market competition and talent competition among enterprises have become more and more intense. The employment relationship between the organization and the staff shows a short-term trend. Employees’ positions in different positions and different organizations Between the flow of greatly enhanced loyalty continue to decline, there has been a borderless career mode. Under this model, the main problems that enterprises should consider and solve at this stage are the layoffs of enterprises and the co-existence of staffs, optimization and adjustment of career management of employees, improvement of employees’ employability and reduction of employee turnover. By studying the theory of borderless career management at home and abroad, this paper points out that Chinese enterprises have entered the stage of “unbounded career”, and that enterprises should constantly adjust the organization’s position and role in career management and redesign the direction of career management And content, implement differentiated career management to improve the effectiveness of borderless career management.
【摘要】随着我国经济的飞速发展,汽车的保有量不断增加,而这一发展趋势则为职业院校的汽修专业提供了巨大的发展机遇,许多重视院校纷纷开设汽车修理专业,以保证市场中其汽修人才的供应,但是随着汽车生产水平的逐渐提高,市场对于汽修人才的综合技能提出了更高的要求,而英语能力就是学生综合技能培养的主要内容之一。本文从目前中职汽修专业英语教学实践中存在的问题出发,对变革汽修专业英语教学模式进行探究。  【关键词】
摘要:工业旅游作为旅游产品的一个重要组成部分,它的开展对于工业企业和城市具有重要意义。长春市作为东北老工业基地,具有很好的发展工业旅游的资源基础和潜力。长春市政府和企业应充分利用优越条件,抓住振兴老工业基地之机,把开发工业旅游作为长春做大旅游产业和企业重塑形象的重要手段,积极加以推进和发展。  关键词:工业旅游;长春市;政策建议  作者简介:赵宇飞(1975-),女,长春税务学院工商管理系讲师,硕