Like the proposition that “all history is history of ideas,” “repeating thoughts” also expresses Colinwood’s view of historical knowledge. On the origin of thought, Colin Todd ’s thought of “repeating itself” realizes the shift of the center of gravity from thinking of the law of historical noumenon to the nature of understanding of history on the basis of the idea of “Reenactment” of Vico, inheriting Dilthey On the Differential Dialectics of Croce and Croce. On the connotation of the proposition, “re-thinking ” from the two dimensions of rationality and emotion, both individuals and groups to answer Collingwood’s “the question of why history?”? In the academic evaluation, “re-thinking” emphasizes the importance of value judgments to historical cognition, reflects Collingwood’s transcendence of the positivist tradition, emphasizes the ideological or purpose of historical knowledge, and also reflects his understanding of historical knowledge Ignoring the objective material factors restricting the idealist tendency.